Each player’s turn begins with a movement phase followed by a task.

They roll six-sided dice and move their avatar accordingly. When an avatar lands on a space, that player gets to choose between two task/exercise cards based on the symbols of the space they land on with each symbol representing a different muscle group.

When a player lands on a space, there may be modifications to the task they are about to take on. For example: space landed on reads “+5 reps”. That player must add 5 repetitions to the repetition count listed on the task card they select.

At the end of the game board players will encounter the Gauntlet where players will have to face off against a series of Guardians. To do this they perform timed exercises and have the time shortened based on game play decisions made prior to reaching this point.


When a space has been landed on, that player must choose between the two symbols of the space. The symbols correspond to a deck of cards for major muscle groups.

Once a muscle group symbol has been chosen, that player draws the top card from the corresponding deck and performs the exercise listed for the repetitions listed on the card.


As players progress through the game they earn points with each task they complete. These points, known as Sweat Equity, can be redeemed for weapons and armor for their character.

Each piece of equipment has different movement and task modifications that are applied in the game.

For example:

The sword will make a player’s repetition count always be 10 regardless of the quantity shown on a task card.



Guardians are the foes at the end of the game the players have been training to defeat. Players take on a randomly chosen Guardian, each having different challenge levels for the player, and it will be up to each player to outlast the Guardian they face in five rounds of competition.

The equipment players have chosen to use along the way will affect the outcome of these competitions, so players must be strategic in acquiring them.

Defeating Guardians is the end game each player seeks to do well in. The result of those battles ends with each player’s individual ranked title.

Take a look at how your efforts are rewarded.

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